Journal Papers
Kaiser, M. I./ Krickel, B. (2017): “The Metaphysics of Constitutive Mechanistic Phenomena”, in: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68(3): 745-779. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2016): “On the Limits of Causal Modeling: Spatially-Structurally Complex Biological Phenomena“, in: Philosophy of Science 83: 921-933. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Meunier, R./ Kronfeldner, M. (2016): “Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinarity: The Case of Philosophy of Science”, in: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 41(1): 61-70. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Meunier, R./ Kronfeldner, M. (2014): “Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: A Report from the Workbench”, in: Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität 15, 32-41. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Meunier, R./ Kronfeldner, M. (2014): “Interdisciplinarity in Philosophy of Science”, in: Journal for General Philosophy of Science 45: 59-70. (.pdf)
Netzwerk für Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften in Deutschland [Network for Philosophy of the Life Sciences in Germany] (2013): “Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften. Entwicklungen und Tendenzen [Developments and Trends in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences]”, in: Information Philosophie 4: 14-27. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2011): “Limits of Reductionism in the Life Sciences”, in: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33: 453-476. (.pdf)
Book Chapters
Kaiser, M. I. (forthcoming): “Was ist gute Wissenschaft? [What is good science?] Philip Kitcher”, in: Müller-Salo, J. (ed.): Themen analytischer Philosophie. Eine alternative Einführung in 16 Fragen und Antworten [Topics in Analytical Philosophy. An Alternative Introduction with 16 Questions and Answers]. mentis.
Kaiser, M. I. (2018): “Individuating Part-whole Relations in the Biological World”, in: Bueno, O./ Chen, R.-L./ Fagan, M. B. (eds.): Individuation, Process and Scientific Practices. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (.pdf)
Hüttemann, A./ Kaiser, M. I. (2018): “Potentiality in Biology”, in: Engelhard, K./ Quante, M. (eds.): Handbook of Potentiality. Dordrecht: Springer, 401-427. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2018): “The Components and Boundaries of Mechanisms”, in: Glennan, S./ Illari, P. (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy. New York: Routledge, 116-130. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2017): “Biological Parts”, in: Burkhardt, H./Seibt, J./ Imaguire, G./Gerogiorgakis, S. (eds.): Handbook of Mereology. München: Philosophia, 97-100. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2017): “Themen aus den Lebenswissenschaften [Topics from the Life Sciences]”, in: Schrenk, M. (ed.): Handbuch Metaphysik [Handbook Metaphysics]. Stuttgart: Metzler, 325-330. (.pdf)
Gebharter, A./ Kaiser, M. I. (2014): “Causal Graphs and Biological Mechanisms”, in: Kaiser, M.I. et al. (eds.): Explanation in the Special Sciences – The Case of Biology and History. Dordrecht: Springer, 55-86. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Plenge, D. (2014): “Introduction: Points of Contact between Biology and History”, in: Kaiser, M.I. et al. (eds.): Explanation in the Special Sciences – The Case of Biology and History. Dordrecht: Springer, 1-23. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2014): “L’explication en biologie [Explanation in Biology]”, in: Merlin, F./ Hoquet, T. (eds.): Précis de Philosophie de la biologie [Handbook of Philosophy of Biology]. Paris: Vuibert Press, 143-155. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Craver, C. F. (2013): “Mechanisms and Laws: Clarifying the Debate”, in: Chao, H.-K./ Chen, S.-T./ Millstein, R. L. (eds.): Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics. Dordrecht: Springer, 125-145. (.pdf)
Jung E.-M./ Kaiser, M. I./ Seide, A. (2013): “Well-Ordered Philosophy? Reflections on Kitcher’s Proposal for a Renewal of Philosophy”, in: Kaiser, M. I./ Seide, A. (eds.): Philip Kitcher – Pragmatic Naturalism. Frankfurt/Main: ontos, 161-174. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2012): “Why It Is Time To Move Beyond Nagelian Reduction”, in: Dieks, D./ Gonzalez, W.J./ Hartmann, S./ Stöltzner, M./ Weber, M. (eds.): Probabilities, Laws, and Structures. The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, Vol. 3. Heidelberg: Springer, 255-272. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2010): “Der evolutionäre Naturalismus in der Ethik [Evolutionary Naturalism in Ethics]”, in: Oehler, J. (ed.): Der Mensch – Evolution, Natur und Kultur: Beiträge zu unserem heutigen Menschenbild [The Human – Evolution, Nature, and Culture: Contributions to Today’s Idea of the Man]. Berlin: Springer, 261-283. (.pdf)
Göhner, J./ Kaiser, M. I./ Suhm, C. (2008): “Is Simplicity an Adequate Criterion of Theory Choice?”, in: Mößner, N./ Schmoranzer, S./Weidemann, C. (eds.): Richard Swinburne. Frankfurt/Main: ontos, 33-45. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I./ Rosenhagen, R./ Suhm, C. (2006): “Experience Becoming Fully Literate. Van Fraassen on the Verge of Constuctivism”, in: Berg-Hildebrand, A./Suhm, C. (eds.): The Philosophy of Bas C. van Fraassen. Frankfurt/Main: ontos, 69-79. (.pdf)
Backmann, M./ Berg-Hildebrand, A./ Kaiser, M. I./ Pohl, M./ Rosenhagen, R./ Suhm, C. (2005): “Pragmatism, Realism, and Science”, in: Vieth, A. (eds.): Richard Rorty. His Philosophy under Discussion, Frankfurt/Main: ontos, 65-78. (.pdf)
Book Reviews
& Conference Reports
Kaiser, M. I. (forthcoming): „Biological Individuality”, in: Isis.
Kaiser, M. I. (2015): “Philosophy of Microbiology”, in: International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29(2): 224-228. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2014): “Causality in the Biological Sciences, 17 January”, in: The Reasoner 8(3): 28-29. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (forthcoming): “Explanation”, in: de la Rosa, L. N./ Müller, G. B. (eds.): Evolutionary Developmental Biology – A Reference Guide. Cham: Springer.
Kaiser, M. I. (2013): “Complexity”, in: Dubitzky, W./ Wolkenhauer, O./ Cho, K.-H./ Yokota, H. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Vol. X. New York: Springer, 456-460. (.pdf)
Hüttemann, A./ Kaiser, M. I. (2013): “Disposition”, in: Dubitzky, W./ Wolkenhauer, O./ Cho, K.-H./ Yokota, H. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Vol. X. New York: Springer, 594-597. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2013): “Reduction”, in: Dubitzky, W./ Wolkenhauer, O./ Cho, K.-H./ Yokota, H. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Vol. X. New York: Springer, 1827-1830. (.pdf)
Kaiser, M. I. (2012): “An Ontic Account of Explanatory Reduction in Biology”; PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln (published online via KUPS)
Work in Progress
I am happy to share also my work in progress. If you are interested, please send me an email.
Kaiser, M. I. (manuscript): “Normativity in the Philosophy of Science”.
Kaiser, M. I. (manuscript): “ENCODE and the Parthood Question”.
Kaiser, M. I./ Reydon, T./ Sachse, C./ Schark, M. (manuscript): “The Concept of Biological Individuality between Metaphysics and Philosophy of Biological Practice”.
Kaiser, M. I./ Reydon, T./ Sachse, C. (manuscript): “Biological Individuality – Strategies of Coping with Pluralism”.
Kaiser, M. I. (manuscript): “What Is Metaphysics of Biological Practice?”