2018 / Summer term
“I2SoS-Kolloquium”; Interdisciplinary lecture series
“Colloquium Science Studies”; advanced course, MA History, Economics, and Philosophy of Science
2017/18 / Winter term
“Klassische Texte der Erkenntnistheorie [Classical Texts in Epistemology]”; 1st level course, BA philosophy
“Kolloquium Pratische und Theoretische Philosophie [Colloquium Practical and Theoretical Philosophy]”; advanced course, MA philosophy
2017 / Summer term
“Philosophisches Schreiben: Erklären und Verstehen [Philosophical Writing: Explanation and Understanding]”; 1st level course, BA philosophy
“Die Grenzen der Wissenschaft [The Boundaries of Science]”;
advanced course, BA philosophy and MA History, Economics, and Philosophy of Science
2016/17 / Winter term
“Existieren Elektronen und Gene wirklich? Die Debatte um den wissenschaftlichen Realismus [Do Electrons and Genes Really Exist? The Debate about Scientific Realism]“; advanced course, MA philosophy
“Philosophie der Biologie [Philosophy of Biology]“; 1st level course, BA philosophy
Heinrich-Heine Universität
2015 / Summer term
“Metaphysik der Wissenschaften [Metaphysics of Science]”;
1st level course, BA philosophy and BA/BSc General Studies
Universität zu Köln
2015 / Summer term
“Einführung in die Metaphysik [Introduction to Metaphysics]”;
1st level course, BA philosophy
2013/14 / Winter term
“Descartes Meditationen [Descartes’ Meditations]”;
1st level course, BA philosophy
2011/12 / Winter term
“Philosophie der Biologie [Philosophy of Biology]”;
2nd level course, BA philosophy
Université de Lausanne
EPFL (College of Technology)
2013 / Summer term
“Philosophy of the Life Sciences”;
advanced course, MA science/engineering
de Genève
2013 / Summer term
„Realism, Representation and Structuralism” (with M. Weber);
advanced course, MA philosophy
2013 / Summer term
“Biological Interest Group” (with M. Weber);
PhD course for philosophers, biologists, and historians of biology
2012/13 / Winter term
“Biological Interest Group” (with M. Weber);
PhD course for philosophers, biologists, and historians of biology
2011 / Summer term 2011
“Die Philosophie Philip Kitchers [The Philosophy Philip Kitcher’s]” (with A. Seide);
advanced course, MA philosophy
2010 / Summer term
“Wie Wissenschaftler die Welt erklären [How Scientists Explain the World]”;
3rd level course, BA philosophy
2009/10 / Winter term
“Warum es so schwer ist, ein Reduktionist zu sein [Why it is so Hard to Be a Reductionist]” (with A. Hüttemann);
advanced course, MA philosophy
2009 / Summer term
“Die Mechanistische Philosophie von den Anfängen bis heute [The Mechanistic Philosophy from the Beginning to Modern Day]”;
3rd level course, BA philosophy
“Evolution kontrovers diskutiert [Evolution under Discussion]”;
1st to 3rd level course, BA/BSc General Studies
2008/09 / Winter term
„Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie [Introduction to Philosophy of Science]”;
1st level course, BA philosophy
“Was zeichnet Wissenschaft aus? [What Characterizes Science?]”;
1st to 3rd level course, BA/BSc General Studies
2008 / Summer term
“Die Realismusfrage in der Biologie [The Question of Realism in Biology]” (with C. Suhm);
advanced course, MA philosophy
“Einführung in die Reduktionismusdebatte [Introduction to the Debate about Reductionism]”;
3rd level course, BA/BSc General Studies
“Hat Darwin Recht? Die Evolutionsbiologie im gesellschaftspolitischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskurs [Is Darwin Right? The Theory of Evolution in the Social and Scientific Discourse]”; 1st to 3rd level course, BA/BSc General Studies
2007/08 / Winter term
“Einführung in die Philosophie der Biologie [Introduction to Philosophy of Biology]”;
1st level course, BA philosophy
“Probleme der Medizinethik [Problems in Medical Ethics]” (with C. Runtenberg);
advanced course, MA philosophy
2007 / Summer term
“Theoriebeladenheit der Beobachtung [Theoryladenness of Observation]”;
advanced course, MA philosophy